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Material innovation, new driving force for future development

Time : 2024-10-09
As the driving force of social development, new materials and technologies continue to innovate industries, break homogenization, and shape a new human life. Modern buildings pursue comfort, safety, green, and energy conservation, and insulation has become standard on building facades. However, traditional insulation materials have strong water absorption and can easily cause the exterior finishes to crack and fall off, becoming a hidden danger to the exterior wall. With its excellent crack resistance and water resistance, Justone Flexible stone has been proven for ten years to effectively deal with insulation problems.
Faced with the risk of external insulation, although the internal insulation avoids falling off, it aggravates the temperature difference stress, and the risk of wall cracking remains unchanged. The crack resistance requirements of external finishing materials are higher. As a composite decorative sheet, Flexible stone breaks through traditional limitations and demonstrates strong competitiveness and application potential.
The Justone R & D team is committed to enriching the form, innovative design, and strengthening crack resistance, waterproof, energy saving, and weather resistance to accurately meet market demand. In the future, Justone will continue to innovate, lead the innovation of building materials, and jointly build a better future in which man and nature coexist harmoniously.

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